Sunday, June 14, 2009

Yes, it's June, but up here that doesn't mean much

Monday, June 8, 2009 - Snow & More Snow
I guess it was a good thing that I ended up having to go to town yesterday as there is about a foot of snow covering everything this morning. I awoke at 5:30 and again at 8:00 to see the trees and maybe a hint of frost on the grass, but when I finally got up at 10:00, there was almost a foot of snow on everything.
In about two hours, almost twelve inches of snow has fallen and continues to fall heavily at noon. The low temperature last night was 25 degrees, but it was 37 degrees when I got up and is now 39 at noon. I have had it snow here when the temperature was as high as 47, so this isn’t anything new, but the amount in a short time is. Anytime you want to see what my weather is, go to:
I can’t get online as the snow has completely covered the receiving dish and I’ll have to get out the ladder and climb up to brush it off. I am still planning on replacing the water heater today, and am thankful for an indoor task. I will complete this later and let you know how it goes.
I spent the remainder of the morning finishing my research and making a decision on which batteries to buy. I decided to purchase four 12 volt, 8D sized AGM deep cycle batteries, but I am waiting for an email telling me what the shipping cost will be. One place online has free shipping, but the batteries are more expensive by about $75.00 each. Each battery weighs 165 pounds, so freight costs will be for a total of 660 + pounds. If the actual shipping costs are lower than the price difference, I’ll know who I will purchase them from. Both places say they ship in two to three days and depending on how they ship them, I am still looking at having to run the generator for all my power needs until the end of the week, or maybe longer.
I attempted to find out if Interstate Batteries, here in town, carries similar batteries, but their web site is terrible and I can’t locate any of the deep cycle AGM batteries that I know they have, so other than going into town and asking them, I’ll order online and wait for them.
The company that sells four at a discount charges shipping while the other one offers free delivery, but no discount for volume purchase. The difference between them, without figuring the cost of freight, is 472.80. I can’t imagine shipping costs equaling that amount, so am pretty sure I’ll just pay the freight and get the four batteries at discount. It pays to do some research and comparative shopping.
It is now 5:30 PM, and still snowing, but lightly. As the day warmed up, most of the snow on the ground melted, but it was sure pretty to see. I drained, disconnected, removed the old water heater and installed the new one in less than two hours and had no difficulties. It is taking a while to heat the cold mountain snow melt, but already the water is warm enough that I could use it to shower, but I’ll wait until it is really hot so I can bathe in the luxury of a long hot shower.
I just played with Zack and built up the fire, so he is napping in front of it while I finish this update. I will do a load of wash and then take a shower before eating some dinner and relaxing in front of the television.
I have been thoroughly enjoying the antics of my chipmunks and was happy to see Shorty show up for his fair share. In case you forgot, Shorty was the one with only half a tail, so I named him for it. I wasn’t sure if he survived the winter, as he didn’t come when all the others showed up, so I am happy that he did.

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