Monday, July 20, 2009 This morning is clear and warm, with a nice breeze to keep things from feeling too hot. I have a doctor appointment in town this morning, so had to set my alarm and get up at 8 AM. No time for my usual morning routine, so I took my coffee with me.
We took the truck as I want to get rid of the old batteries and some trash. I went straight to my appointment, which was for a colonoscopy preparation at 10 AM. The appointment was made by my doctor for me and while I knew it was at St. Peter’s Hospital, I wasn’t sure where. St. Peter’s, my least favorite hospital, has expanded and built three new wings, being unchallenged by any other medical facilities, and now sprawls over three acres. I went to the main entrance and inquired at the desk as to where my appointment might be. After several staff and volunteer members tried to locate the number(s) for the correct department, getting phone recordings stating that the numbers were no longer in service, they finally concluded that I should go to the East Wing entrance and inquire at that desk.
It is now 10 minutes after 10 O’clock and I still haven’t been told where I need to go. The desk person at the East Wing told me to go to the second floor, suite 200, and see if my appointment was at that office. I did and it was, so they gave me papers to fill out, telling me that they had called and left a message on Friday, directing me to suite 200. I once again explained that I don’t get phone service until I arrive in town and won’t retrieve messages while I am driving. This seemed to irritate the clerk and she just ignored me.
Soon, another person called me in and did the usual weight, height, temperature and blood pressure (mine was normal for a change), and then finished filling out the form for me while she ask me questions. I was then asked to watch a DVD video explaining the procedure and she left. The video started and then proceeded to explain all about an endoscopy, which is an upper GI, not an colonoscopy, being a lower GI. Because of my acid reflux and involuntary air swallowing, I watched the procedure in anticipation of having that done at the same time.
When yet another woman came in, I explained that my doctor wanted me to have both, but the clerk had obviously screwed up and didn’t check to see if the correct DVD was in the player. This woman called and added the endoscope to my colonoscopy so I will indeed have both procedures done at the same time. She explained the necessary prep and time periods to take the medicines, telling me that I had to have someone drive me home. I told her it wasn’t possible and she said that I would have to cancel the appointment as it was hospital policy. They won’t start the procedure until they can physically see a driver available to drive me home.
I explained my circumstances and she suggested a taxi, yeah, like that would happen. I told her I would try to find someone or cancel the appointment later. They administer a twilight drug so although you are not necessarily asleep, you don’t give a crap (no pun intended) about what is going on, and feel no pain. I’ll let you know how that goes later. I have had both a spinal block and the twilight drug when they did my 6-hour heel reconstruction, so I know what it should be like.
Zack was in the shade, so the 80 degrees didn’t both him, but he was panting, but had water if it was due to thirst.
We drove to Northern Electric as I needed a longer battery cable made up for my new battery configuration. While there, I asked about the old batteries and he told me that no one paid for the scrap value as the price was way down for lead. I decided to give them to him rather than take them back to the Interstate Battery shop, where I originally purchased them. After unloading them, I drove to Costco and bought some of the groceries that I needed, but not all as I just don’t have the storage space for the larger quantities they sell.
I took time to have a bit of lunch while there, and then drove to Home Depot for some additional treated 2 x 4s and other items. Once that was loaded, I went to Safeway for the remainder of the groceries and to get the prescription for my prep. I filled up the truck and two gas cans, and then headed to the transfer station to dump the trash. When I checked my time, I realized that it was 4:40 PM and had just enough time to make it before they close at 5 PM. I pulled in and the truck in front of me was trying to turn around to leave when I noticed the cable across the drive at the check station. The sign next to it said they close at 4:45, checking my phone for the time, it was 4:47. I had just missed it and now had to haul my trash all of the way home again.
We stopped at Mary and Guy’s to meet all of their family and visit for a while. Both of their sons and their families, as well as their daughter, Jill, and her family were there. I had met Jill, Carl, Alex, Marek, and Scott before, but not their newest addition, a daughter, Katy. I introduced myself to the others as Mary was on the phone and Guy was laying down.
Guy is in the middle of being treated for gall stones and will be getting an operation this week, after they installed stents and tried to remove them a week ago. For whatever reasons, they can’t deal with them normally and will have to cut them out. Guy said although he wasn’t in pain now, he would be glad to have it over with.
I said my goodbyes, and drove over to Cowboy Harry’s to ask if he could take me to the hospital on Monday for my procedure. Mary and Guy have to take one of their sons and his wife to the airport in Billings to fly home on Monday, so they couldn’t give me a ride. Harry said he would be glad to do it, so we made a plan to met at his house at 10 O’clock on Monday.
We drove home and I unloaded all of the groceries and other items before playing with Zack and then feeding him and Zoey. It was already after 7 PM and I sat down with a drink to relax before my shower and fixing my own dinner.
One more play period with Zack and then I showered and ate dinner, relaxing in front of the television before bedtime.