Sunday, July 19, 2009
This morning is a bit overcast, with some of the clouds looking like they may have some rain, but NWS is only predicting a 20% chance of a thunderstorm today. The sun is shining through enough to warm things up, but it is cooler than the past few days.
I had my usual morning and then went out to get some work done. I pulled out the push mower and got it started so I could mow close to the cabin, where I couldn’t go with the Argo and trail mower. This is the first time I have used it since storing it last September, and it started right up on the first pull. I mowed around the cabin and then the shed, stopping to rest for a while. With the stiff breeze, I don’t feel that I am getting overheated, but I am tired and needed to drink some water and rest a bit.
My next task was to build my home version of a cattle guard. I want to keep the cows from following the road to my cabin and making themselves at home in my yard. I used treated 2 x 4’s and cut one up into 5” lengths to space the boards far enough apart to keep the cattle from crossing it. I didn’t buy enough 2 x 4’s to make the entire length I want, but I’ll buy more tomorrow when I have to be in town. I didn’t fasten all of the sections together as it would be too heavy and unwieldy to handle. I will finish assembling it on site, after doing some roadwork and digging a trench to place it in.
When I had finished that, and put my tools away, I fired up the dozer and worked the driveway until I had filled in the tire ruts from when it was muddy. By the time I was satisfied with the work, it was 7:30, so I quit for the day. I had fed Zack and Zoey earlier, on one of my rest breaks, so I shaved and jumped in the shower to wash off the insecticide and dust.
I just sat down to relax and finish this, along with thinking about what I want for dinner. I’ll send this, with photos, and then fix myself a bite to eat and watch some television before retiring.