Friday, January 1, 2010

Week of Dec. 28 to Dec. 31

Monday, December 28, 2009
            By midnight last night, the low of the night registered at -6.6 and actually started getting warming towards the morning hours.
            I worked around the cabin doing this and that, playing outside with Zack several times and giving Zoey and Rusty some attention, enjoying a fire and working on the computer.
            Not a very exciting or productive day, but the pressure of Christmas now behind me, I feel lazy and just want to relax, so I am.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
            It is overcast and snowing very lightly this morning with the overnight low being 7.5 above zero for a change. NWS is predicting 30% chance of snow for the day and evening, so I may see more this afternoon but right now it isn’t even enough to cover the bare spots on the deck.
            I researched home made wind generators online and found a design that I think will work better for my location. My wind is never consistent in direction so the wind generator has to constantly move to catch the wind, and thereby doesn’t achieve the 7 to 21 mph speed it needs to produce electricity. The design I researched is a bucket type, which will catch all of the moving air no matter which direction it is coming from. Now I just need to decide how large to make it and get the parts necessary.
            I spent part of the afternoon playing with Zack while I split and stacked more firewood. I managed to replenish my woodpile, which should last me at least another two weeks.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
            It is in the teens this morning with some errant snow flakes every now and then. The low was 1.5 at 8:12 this morning and climbing.
            I am preparing to make a trip to town today, and will leave soon, trying to break that problem of not getting home until after dark. It is just now 10 AM, so I’ll finish my coffee, change clothes and go.
            Finally, we actually made the trip to town, ran all the errands, had a treatment at the chiropractor, and got home before dark. The trip to Marysville in the Argo was uneventful, but before departing Guy and Mary’s for the return trip, Guy pointed out that my front right tire was actually coming off the rim. A closer inspection showed that this is the only one with a tube inside and the valve stem had been completely ripped off of the tube, so forget putting air in it.
            We aired up the rear left tire, but it is leaking so badly at the valve stem that it won’t hold air for long. I couldn’t find any tubes in town, so had Les Schwab order some that fit my tires. They should be in next week, so I’ll have to dismount the bad wheels and replace them with good wheels from the second or third position. The snow tracks should remain stretched between the other tires, and as long as the front and rear tires on both sides remain in good condition, travel should be possible.
            I played with Zack just as it was getting dark and then fed him and the cats, sat down with my V-8 and read my mail, which was all junk and bills. A warm fire, shower and dinner rounded out the evening.
            Shortly after dark, it began to snow seriously and hasn’t stopped when we retired at 12:30, so I’ll have new snow covering everything in the morning.

Thursday, December 31, 2009 - Now I have to get use to typing 2010
            By the time I got up, the snow had stopped, after dropping about 10”. The wind is mild but gusting to 10 mph, so it is blowing the snow from the heavily laden tree branches, causing a mini storm of its own.
            I kept forgetting that today is New Years Eve and the television programming is out the window. The bad thing about being in the Central or Mountain Time Zone is that unless you get local channels, which I don’t, you have to watch the New York feed and see New Years rang in two hours early, or watch the West Coast feed and stay up until 1:00 AM to see the festivities. I did neither and watched a marathon of the Three Stooges and then a movie, going to bed at 12:30 AM.
            This is the last entry for the year, so I’ll be starting my journal for 2010 tomorrow and posts this past weeks to my blog tonight.

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